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Dedicated Leadership

The Important Issues

Statistic calculating

Reduce Spending

My first policy priority is to hold the line against wasteful government spending. My constituents face outrageous inflation and cannot afford the kinds of increases the governor proposes. You deserve both good government services and tax cuts, and I have a proven track record of working on and with the budget committee to make that happen. 

For the People

The government serves the people, not the other way around. Government agencies must be transparent and accountable in order to be effective in providing the best services at the most reasonable cost. I will push even harder for reform within bloated and ineffective government agencies. 

Asthma Inhaler

Medication Costs

Wisconsin must reduce the cost of prescription medications. I will continue my fight against powerful lobbyists who represent middlemen that pocket huge profits by increasing prices and reducing access to medications. I don't care if backroom deals were made; I'm not giving up on protecting the elderly and infirm. 

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